
#0000ffcolorRGBvalueis(0,0,255).Thishexcolorcodeisalsoawebsafecolorwhichisequalto#00F.#0000ffcolornameisBlue1color.,Eachparameter(red,green,andblue)definestheintensityofthecolorwithavaluebetween0and255.Forexample,rgb(255,0,0)isdisplayedasred, ...,AListofBlueShades·OxfordBlue#002147|rgb(0,33,71)·PrussianBlue#003153|rgb(0,49,83)·YankeesBlue#1c2841|rgb(28,40,65)·DarkMidnightBlue# ...,Thered,green...

#0000ff Color Hex Blue1 #00F

#0000ff color RGB value is (0,0,255). This hex color code is also a web safe color which is equal to #00F. #0000ff color name is Blue1 color.

Colors RGB and RGBA

Each parameter (red, green, and blue) defines the intensity of the color with a value between 0 and 255. For example, rgb(255, 0, 0) is displayed as red, ...

Blue Color Codes

A List of Blue Shades · Oxford Blue #002147 | rgb(0,33,71) · Prussian Blue #003153 | rgb(0,49,83) · Yankees Blue #1c2841 | rgb(28,40,65) · Dark Midnight Blue # ...

RGB Color Codes Chart ????

The red, green and blue use 8 bits each, which have integer values from 0 to 255. This makes 256*256*256=16777216 possible colors. RGB ≡ Red, Green, Blue. Each ...

Shades of Blue

List of Blue Shades ; Blue Green, #088F8F, rgb(8, 143, 143) ; Bright Blue, #0096FF, rgb(0, 150, 255).


Blue-Grey color palette created by jesshwv that consists #6e7f80,#536872,#708090,#536878,#36454f colors.

Blue color codes

Blue color codes. HTML RGB blue colors ... Blue RGB color code. Blue Hex/RGB color code = #0000FF = 0*65536+0*256+255 = (0,0,255). RED=0, GREEN=0, BLUE=255. Blue ...


2023年4月4日 — RGB color table ; Blue, #0000FF ; Yellow, #FFFF00 ; Cyan / Aqua, #00FFFF ; Magenta / Fuchsia, #FF00FF ...

Blue RGB Color Model

Blue RGB Color Model. (4, 59, 92);. Teal Blue. ♥ 669. (40, 67, 135);. Endeavour. ♥ 363. (205, 209, 228);. Lavender Grey. ♥ 494. (15, 10, 222); ...